Created by a French expert in digital identities, biometrics, cybersecurity, European legislation and standards in the digital world.
Cabinet Louis Reynaud is a technology, standards and regulatory consultancy and an independent laboratory for assessing the security of digital identity, biometrics, mobile security, data protection and cyber security technologies, products and services.
Cabinet Louis Reynaud brings together a dozen experts from academia, industry and the institutional world with the following skills :
• Knowledge of technological issues in :
o Digital identities ;
o Biometrics ;
o Cryptography ;
o Integrity and data protection ;
o Physical identity management ;
o Communication technologies ;
o Physical and logical security features in identity documents;
o Blockchain ;
o Artificial Intelligence ;
o Cloud computing.
• Mastery of the security certification schemes of the French (ANSSI), German (BSI) and European (ENISA) national information systems security agencies
• Knowledge of the European Standardisation Organisation and the processes involved in drawing up European and international standards:
o Fora et Consortia
o Technical Report
• • Mastery of the European legislative process :
o Impact analysis,
o First legislation,
o Second legislation (comitology)
• Knowledge of the European institutions and their governance/decision-making structures
• Knowledge of European and international influence groups
• Mastery of European funding tools: FP8 (H2020 ) , FP9 ( Horizon Europe ), Digital Europe
CLR Labs is a member of :
Standardisation organisations :

Industry associations :

CAMPUS Cyber associated member (Shareholder)

TEAM @ Mines Saint-Étienne, the technological maturator of the Ecole des Mines of Saint-Étienne, France